Black Panther : Wakanda Forever Producers Talk About Doctor Doom Appearance

Wakanda Forever Producers Talk About Doctor Doom Appearance

Ahead of the screening of the MCU film Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, fans are increasingly impatient to see the surprises in it. So far through trailers and other promotions, Marvel Studios itself has revealed some interesting things related to the plot. Including the debut of Namor (Tenoch Huerta) as the leader of the underwater nation of Talocan who will attack Wakanda. Although the antagonist is quite clear, not a few also believe in the emergence of a secret antagonist, Doctor Doom.

There are a number of reasons that fueled speculation about Doom's appearance in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Starting from Namor and Doom's close relationship in the history of Marvel Comics. Until the history of the war between Wakanda and the kingdom of Doom, Latveria, who had previously fought over vibranium. Based on these reasons, it's actually not surprising that Doom actually emerged as the mastermind that caused the war between Wakanda and Talocan.

Doctor Doom Appears in Wakanda Forever?

In an interview session on the Phase Zero podcast, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever producer Nate Moore has just cleared the rumors regarding the appearance of Doctor Doom in his film. According to him, although director Ryan Coogler is a fan of the character Doctor Doom, and Doom himself is an extraordinary character, they still focus on the established antagonist, namely Namor.

“To be honest, it's actually not [true] at all, although I understand why. He (Doctor Doom) is a great character and the country of Latveria itself is fantastic. [Director] Ryan Coogler is even a fan. But once we decide on Namor as the antagonist [in the film], that will always be our focus," Moore told Brandon Davis of Phaze Zero.

Based on this latest statement, Moore seems to hope that fans will no longer have to think about whether or not Doom will appear in the film. One thing he emphasized is that the main villain in the film will be Namor the Sub-Mariner, all the antagonist focus is on him. There may be other antagonists in it, but none of that doesn't seem likely until Namor explains what his ambitions are. The film Black Panther: Wakanda Forever itself is scheduled to be released on November 11 tomorrow. We're just waiting for the fun, okay?




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