Explanation of Ending House of the Dragon Episode 10


Explanation of Ending House of the Dragon Episode 10

After airing for ten weeks, the House of the Dragon season 1 series finally finished with episode 10 entitled 'The Black Queen'. At the end of this episode we can see how Rhaenyra finally found out that the Green camp had appointed Aegon II Targaryen as the new king of the Seven Kingdoms. This then made Rhaenyra depressed enough to have to give birth to her baby prematurely. Daemon's husband, who also heard this, began to gather Black's camp to fight.

Even though Daemon looked on fire, Rhaenyra still tried to calm down. He even went so far as to ask Green's envoy, Otto Hightower, to give his answer regarding the coronation of Aegon II at King's Landing. At the same time, he also kept a plan to gather support, without having to start a war first. Unfortunately, despite being patient, in the end Rhaenyra's patience ran out. What really happened? Just take a look at the discussion on the ending of House of the Dragon episode 10 below, geeks!

Lucerys Death by Aemond

Towards the end of House of the Dragon episode 10, in an effort to gather support, Rhaenyra finally agreed to fulfill the request of her two children who wanted to become royal envoys. He then ordered his first child Jacaerys Velaryon to bring a message to Vale and Winterfell. Meanwhile, he ordered Lucerys Velaryon to go to Storm's End to ask for support for House Baratheon. In the process it turns out that Aemond Targaryen arrived earlier than Lucerys, and it seems that Baratheon has agreed to be part of Green's camp.

After failing, Lucerys had decided to return quietly to Dragonstone. However, because Aemond chased and scared him, this actually made the dragon Lucerys' Vermax provoked and finally attacked the dragon Aemond' Vhagar. Aemond himself had no intention of killing Lucerys. Unfortunately, Vhagar who had been provoked even more chased him and ended up eating Vermax and Lucerys who was riding him. Lucerys' death in this ending however remains the responsibility of Aemond who started it all.

Grief Changes Rhaenyra

The death of Lucerys by Aemond in Storm's End seems to be an important point that finally changes Rhaenyra's perspective on the situation she is facing. At the end of House of the Dragon episode 10, after receiving sad news from Daemon, Rhaenyra looks very sad and angry. His eyes depicted that he couldn't hold it in anymore, and seemed to say "well if this is what you want, let's go to war!" The focus of the finale of this episode is actually the change in character of Rhaenyra who finally fights back, after fate doesn't treat her well.

If we trace back, basically everything stems from the fault of the late King Viserys who did not actively support Rhanenyra after making her the heir to the Seven Kingdoms. Instead, he married Alicent and seemed to be more focused on his new children, namely Aegon II, Aemond, and Helaena Targaryen. Everything is made worse by the misunderstanding that occurred before his death. Alicent thinks Viserys told him to make Aegon II take the throne. Whereas Viserys was actually talking about Aegon the Conqueror's prophecy to the real heir, Rhaenyra.

From all these mistakes, finally two camps were born who both wanted the power of the Seven Kingdoms. First, the Green camp based in King's Landing and supporting Queen Alicent to appoint Aegon II as king. Where it happened at the end of episode 9 which aired last week. Then the second is the Black camp based in Dragonstone and wants Rhaenyra to continue to ascend the throne as queen of the Seven Kingdoms. The war between the two camps finally broke out because the death of Lucerys by Aemond had made him hate the Green camp even more.

The Future of House of the Dragon Season 2

With everything that happened at the end of House of the Dragon episode 10, the events of Dance of the Dragons, aka the Targaryen civil war, will definitely happen in season 2. Aemond returning to King's Landing would definitely tell Lucerys what he had done in Storm's End. Although Alicent would have been shocked and furious at what Aemond had done at first, her older brother Aegon II might even have a party. Like in the novel Fire & Blood, where Aegon II even held a massive party to welcome Aemond's 'success'.

In Dragonstone, Rhaenyra and Daemon who knew that Grenn's camp was partying would definitely counterattack. In the novel, Daemon sends assassins to kill the children of Aegon II. If the direction of the series is the same as the novel, it is very likely that the early Green vs. Black in season 2 will target the opponent's psychology more. Where the death of the closest people will become very commonplace and eventually make the hatred of the two camps even more 'mountain'. Until finally the war between dragon riders will be inevitable in the future.

That's the discussion about the ending of House of the Dragon episode 10. Where the death of Lucerys from the Black camp by Aemond from the Green camp, has indirectly destroyed all reasons for making peace. Now, Rhaenyra would no longer think of a way to unite all the kingdoms. Because this time what was on his mind was against the Green camp. For now, House of the Dragon season 2 has indeed received the green light from HBO. However, since we don't have a release date yet, we'll just have to wait and see what the next development will be, okay?




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