One Piece : What Does the World Government Flag Mean?

One Piece : What Does the World Government Flag Mean?

What do the symbols on the flags of the World Government mean? Is that a hint? Geeks must already know about the organization that regulates all life in the world of One Piece, namely the World Government. In it there are leaders who make various decisions that will affect all aspects of life.

The World Government has enormous power, where no one party dares to dispute or refuse their orders. If geeks pay attention, the World Government has a unique symbol on its flag. The symbol is in the form of five connected circles. Although Oda Sensei has not explained the meaning of the symbol, there has been some speculation among fans regarding this.

Clue to Laugh Tale's Whereabouts

One of the possible meanings of the World Government symbol is a hint of the whereabouts of the last island, Laugh Tale. The symbols represent the four Road Poneglyphs and the island of Laugh Tale. The Road Poneglyph itself is represented by four circles around it or around it. Meanwhile, Laugh Tale Island is represented by a circle in the middle of the other four spheres.

The four moons then connect to the central sphere, which also corresponds to the way to Laugh Tale. As geeks know, to be able to go to Laugh Tale a pirate must first find all four Road Poneglyphs. Because, that is the only way to be able to find the last island. This is because there are clear instructions in the four Road Poneglyphs.

When someone manages to collect all four clues from the Road Poneglyph, then they will be able to head to Laugh Tale. The World Government itself probably has a map or knows the location where the Road Poneglyph is located. In fact, there has been widespread speculation among fans that they have the final pieces.

Based on that, it felt like the possibility made sense considering they were the ones responsible for major events like the lost century. And they don't want anyone to find the island and reveal the big secret inside. Apart from the clues about the Road Poneglyphs, the four circles can also represent the four seas.

In the world of One Piece, there are the big Four Blues namely North Blue, South Blue, West Blue, and East Blue. Meanwhile, the circle in the center can also be considered as the Red Line or Mary Geoise which is home to the sky dragons and other nobles. As well as being the home for the World Government.


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Represents the Gorosei?

Another possibility is that the five circles on the World Government symbol are symbols of the Gorosei or the five star elders. Gorosei is the name for five parents whose names have not been revealed until now. They are important people in the World Government and have higher positions than ordinary people.

In fact, they are people who have direct access to Im Sama. During this time, people know that the Gorosei are the leaders of the whole world and the World Government. They are the face of the organization, even though in fact this is not true. There is still an Im who is in power and gives orders to the Gorosei.

However, as the story suggests, Im never made it to the surface. He always gave orders and managed everything from the shadows. In the previous article, it was stated that there was a possibility that the Gorosei themselves might not have seen Im's true form. If that's the case, then it means that no one in the entire world of One Piece knows where Im is.

This was also predicted to be the reason why Im destroyed the Lulusia kingdom. Because, he wanted to destroy Sabo who had seen and knew where he was. With Im not wanting his whereabouts to be known, it was only natural that the Gorosei would become the face of the World Government. And this is also what is symbolized by the five circles on their flag.




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