Find Out the Only Orange Lantern in the DC Universe, Larfleeze!


Find Out the Only Orange Lantern in the DC Universe, Larfleeze!

When talking about the spectrum of colors in the DC Universe, many of them represent the cosmic colors of various Lantern Corps groups, starting from Green, Red, Yellow (Sinestro), Blue, Indigo, Violet, Black, White, to Orange. Now of all the Lantern Corps, Orange Lantern which represents the emotion of greed is arguably one of the most unique in the DC Universe because it only has one member, namely Larfleeze. This is what later made Larfleeze one of the favorite characters among fans. What is its origin and power like? Let's talk about it, geeks!


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The Most Greedy Villain in the DC Universe

First told in the comic Green Lantern Vol. 4 #25 (2007), Larfleeze who is also often called Agent Orange is actually the founder and leader of Orange Lantern who is often told to be opposite the Green Lantern Corps, especially Hal Jordan. Larfleeze himself was originally a poor alien from Planet Sh'pilkuzz who later grew up as a criminal. Long story short when he was living life as a master thief, Larfleeze found a map belonging to the cosmic entity Guardians of the Universe named Krona which then led him to Okaara.

Arriving in Okaara he finds a shrine with an Orange Lantern 'Central Power Battery' containing Ophidian, an entity that represents greed and greed in the universe. It was at this point that Larfleeze became the second person to try out the Orange Lantern after mysterious figures called Controllers. The difference is, while the Controllers died immediately because they couldn't control their powers, Larfleeze became the first Orange Lantern in the DC universe whose greed for wealth and power was able to satisfy Ophidian.

Since then he has become the founder, leader, as well as the only member of the Orange Lantern Corps, which quite often overwhelms Hal Jordan. Interestingly, apart from being an enemy, Larfleeze has also partnered with Green Lantern to defeat Nekron and the Black Lantern army in the story of Blackest Night. Even so, his status as a DC villain always returns to Larfleeze, including in his latest story when he pitted Green Lantern and Sinestro Corps against each other with the help of Brainiac 2.0, before the two Lantern Corps teamed up and managed to defeat him.

Able to Create His Own Army

As an alien from Planet Sh'pilkuzz actually without the Orange Lantern Power Battery, Larfleeze's body and strength are superior to ordinary humans. Where he was born with claws and nails that are very sharp and deadly, as well as skin that is tougher and resistant to extreme heat. In addition, before becoming an Orange Lantern, he was also known as an immortal whose biological age had reached millions of years. Even according to legend, his existence as an Orange Lantern has inspired the Guardians of the Universe to give birth to the Green Lantern Corps.

Then after joining the Orange Lantern Power Battery, all of Larfleeze's physical abilities increased drastically and made him one of the strongest cosmic villains in the DC Universe. Because the Orange Lantern's strength comes from greed, this is what then makes Larfleeze not want to share his strength with others like other Lantern Corps. So he deliberately created his own Orange Lantern Corps army from the people he had defeated.


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In addition to creating an army of Orange Lantern Corps, the power of the Orange Lantern Power Battery also allows Larfleeze to emit explosive energy from his rings, absorbing those he defeats, sucking greed energy from other Lanterns around him, and also creating an energy shield that is difficult to penetrate by any attack. even.

Fatal Weakness As Orange Lantern

Behind all of his great strength, Larfleeze is also basically an individual who has weaknesses like the villains and superheroes in the DC universe. Larfleeze's weakness as an Orange Lantern is none other than his own greed which often makes his troops prey on each other, thus often giving the enemy an opening to attack and even defeat him. Blue Lantern and Violet Lantern are another weakness of Larfleeze as he is shown to be unable to absorb blue and violet energies, much like green energy as opposed to yellow energy.

That's all the discussion about the figure of Larfleeze who is known as the only Orange Lantern in the DC Universe. Unlike the other Lantern Corps, which have lots of members, Orange Lantern still only has Larfleeze to this day. Because from the start he had been consumed by Ophidian's greed so he didn't want to share his power with others. On the other hand, this actually makes him an Orange Lantern whose strength is greater than any member of the Lantern Corps.




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