5 Copy of Captain America from DC Comics Universe!


5 Copy of Captain America from DC Comics Universe!

Since it was first told in 1941, Steve Rogers aka Captain America has been very well known as a symbol of justice and American patriotism in the Marvel Universe. His trademark that always appears with a star symbol on his chest and is also equipped with a very strong reliable shield, has made Captain America even more loved by fans around the world. Interestingly, just like other characters in DC/Marvel comics who don't escape the practice of copying each other, it turns out that DC also has five of their own versions of Captain America which are meant to attract more fans!

Golden Guardian (1942)

The very first Captain America clone in the DC Universe was a classic superhero called the Golden Guardian who debuted exactly thirteen months after Jack Kirby created Steve Rogers. At that time the DC creative team led by Jim Harper even added a number of elements that made him even more similar to the Marvel superhero. Starting from both having very strong shields, having a young sidekick called the Newsboy Legion like Bucky Barnes, to the story of the rise in modern times that made him famous in two DC eras, whether as a veteran superhero or as a new member of the Justice League.

Commander Steel (1978)

Hank Heywood aka Commander Steel is a symbol of American patriotism in the DC Universe that first appeared in the late 1970s. Just like Captain America, this DC superhero is also a soldier who has super physical strength, fighting prowess, courage, and also a very reliable leadership spirit. What's interesting is that although the stainless steel costumes have a red base color, not blue like Captain America, the symbols on the chests of these two superheroes both represent stars that are often seen on the American flag. It's pretty clear that Commander Steel is one of the Captain Americas in his universe.


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General Glory (1991)

The next DC character that has a lot of similarities with Captain America is General Glory. Since his first introduction in the Justice League comics, General Glory has deliberately been made to resemble Captain America, who is known to have a patriotic and heroic spirit, the difference is that this character whose real name is Joseph Jones has blind idealism which sometimes makes him seem selfish. He also has a young sidekick named Ernie The Battling Boy who is very similar to Bucky. From his appearance, General Glory both have costumes with the basic colors of blue, white and red stripes like the American flag.

Super-Soldier (1996)

Super-Soldier is actually one of the superheroes from the combined universe of DC and Marvel called Amalgam, where the origin and depiction of the character are inspired by Superman and Captain America. The character whose real name is Clark Kent is told as a super soldier during World War II whose strength comes from a combination of human and kryptonian DNA. As a result, he seemed to be reborn as a person with superior physical strength to ordinary humans. In each of his adventures, Super-Soldier is also often seen carrying a Superman shield, which indirectly reinforces his resemblance to Captain America.

American Crusaders (2014)

Jack aka American Cursader was actually deliberately created by DC as a clone of Captain America who exists in the Marvel parody universe, namely Earth-8. In appearance the America Crusader may not look similar, but in terms of character he is equally known as the leader of the superhero team Retaliators whose members are all parodies of the Avengers. Besides that, the American Crusader also has an energy shield that will appear when needed. What's even more interesting is that he's the one who screams first when his team is about to battle the villains, just like Captain America who often shouts "Avengers Assemble!"

Those are five characters in the DC Universe who are often seen as clones of Captain America. Even though they have quite a lot in common in appearance and even personality, fortunately each of these characters still has its own characteristics and uniqueness. Which in the end makes them interesting characters to be followed by their fans. Which of these five characters do you think is the most 'Captain America', geeks?




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