Live Action One Piece is getting bad response!!


Live Action One Piece is getting bad response!!

Since development and production began a few years ago, many fans have been impatient and worried about the live action One Piece series that will air on Netflix. This is because Netflix is known to fans as a Western streaming service that often makes ambitious shows but strays from the original material. Now, after conducting an initial screening test, it is reported that the series has made the audience feel disappointed and confused at the same time.


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For those who don't know, the adaptation of One Piece, which is quite ambitious, is actually directly supervised by the creator of the manga, Eiichiro Oda, who acts directly as one of the producers. In the midst of fans' concerns, previously Oda himself had tried to calm the situation by saying that his series was still sticking to the original manga and anime materials. Unfortunately, now this promise is considered not in accordance with the results of the screening test.

According to the latest report from Divinity Seeker, the live action test screening audience of One Piece felt the CGI and plot were too bad for an adaptation of a title that was quite popular and highly anticipated worldwide. "One Piece's test screening was considered very bad, the CGI looked bad and the story didn't make sense for new viewers, and they even rewrote the entire episode," wrote the Divinity Seeker account on Twitter.

What we need to underline from this report is the quality of the story which does not succeed in satisfying new audiences, this is actually very fatal for an adaptation show regardless of the genre and source material. At the same time, it was reported that the audience who were quite familiar also admitted to being confused by the flow of the live action series. For example, when the introduction of Straw Hat crew members, such as Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Sanji, which was completed 15 minutes early in the first episode. Even though the anime itself requires at least 20 episodes to convey it in its entirety.

For now there is still no official response to this report, either from Netflix, the filmmakers, or Oda sensei. On the other hand, we as fans who haven't watched it also have to remember that there's still a lot that hasn't been shown in the test screening, so at least there's still hope until the live action series One Piece actually airs in full on Netflix at some point in 2023.




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