Here Are 5 Vehicles Owned by Superman You May Not Know!

Here Are 5 Vehicles Owned by Superman You May Not Know!

In the history of DC that has spanned more than eighty years, Superman is known as one of the veteran superheroes who has the ability to fly through space and move very fast. Interestingly, even though he can move from one location to another in a relatively short time, it turns out that this character whose real name is Clark Kent still needs a vehicle on several occasions. Even though it sounds strange, the fact is that in the DC Universe Superman does have five special vehicles that you may have never heard of before. Curious? Let's talk.

Kryptonian Rocket

We start with the first discussion of Superman's vehicle that we all might be familiar with, namely the Kryptonian Rocket, which brought him from Planet Krypton to Earth for the first time. Even though in most of the Kryptonian Rocket stories it is told that it was immediately destroyed when it hit a farm in Smallville, Kansas, it turns out that in some alternative stories this one vehicle was actually saved and repaired by Jonathan and Martha Kent. For example, in the series Superman: The Animated (1996) where Clark Kent was shown again using his childhood vehicle like a spaceship.

Flying Newsroom

The second vehicle that is quite important for Clark Kent aka Superman's early life is the Flying Newsroom. In fact, this vehicle is a news helicopter which is the inventory of the Daily Planet, the media company where Clark and his girlfriend Lois Lane work as journalists. Even though it's not a sophisticated vehicle like Batman's Batwing, the Flying Newsroom is very useful for Clark when he wants to mingle with human life. In the pre-crisis era around 1958, Clark had accidentally driven the Flying Newsroom to conduct an investigation on a man-made island called Krypton Island. This disguise is quite effective.


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As the name implies, the Super-Racing Car is a Superman vehicle that functions as a racing car. It all started when Superman wanted to find out who the aliens had held the intercontinental Nascar race event. Superman then creates his own racing car which is quite clear of ownership, because it is given his trademark color and has lots of 'S' symbols on its body parts. This short story that happened in the Superman Meets the Motorsports Champions (1999) comic finally shows Superman being able to join a special club for popular Nascar racers and reveal who the alien is behind the race he is participating in.

Classic Supermobile

First described in the comic World's Finest #77 (1955), the Classic Supermobile is a vehicle that Bruce Wayne, aka Batman, gave his best friend Superman. This classic sedan-shaped vehicle has an open top and a large 'S' symbol on the front that looks like Superman. What's funny is that if Superman drives his car at high speed, his cloak will be carried away by the wind so he can still feel like he's flying in the sky. Just like Batman's Batmobile, the Classic Supermobile is actually equipped with various sophisticated gadgets. But since Superman is so strong, he doesn't need any of that.


After the name Supermobile had disappeared from the memory of its fans, DC once again presented a new version of this special Superman vehicle in Action Comics #481 (1978). The difference is that Supermobile, whose form and function are more bizarre, is not a creation of Batman, but rather the creation of Superman, who was born from advanced Kryptonian technology and the strongest metal in the universe, called Supermanium. Superman accidentally created this new version of the Supermobile when all of his superpowers were taken by the villain Amazo. Instead, Supermobile is equipped with powers and abilities similar to those of the previous Superman.

Those are five Superman vehicles that have been told in the DC Universe. One of the reasons why many fans are not aware of the existence of these five special vehicles may be because Clark Kent rarely uses them. This is quite clear because from the start he did have super powers that made him not need any kind of vehicle. So we can conclude that these five vehicles are actually only needed under certain circumstances, for example when he wants to blend in and disguise himself as a human or when his super powers disappear.




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