Even Scarier, This is the Initial High Evolutionary Design in GOTG 3!


Even Scarier, This is the Initial High Evolutionary Design in GOTG 3!

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is the latest MCU film which is quite successful in satisfying the expectations of fans around the world. In addition to the close and touching dynamics of the relationship between the members of the Guardians, in this film by director James Gunn, we can also see the intimidating appearance of the High Evolutionary villain. Interestingly, based on the official GOTG 3 concept image, it turns out that the High Evolutionary had an initial character design that was very different from the final version.


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Described as an evolutionary maniac, High Evolutionary, played brilliantly by actor Chukwudi Iwuji, is the figure responsible for turning Rocket Racoon into a humanoid animal. In the end, Rocket, assisted by other members of the Guardians, managed to defeat the Evolutionary in his own laboratory. It is at this point that it is revealed that the Evolutionary actually has a very ugly real face. But instead of wearing a prosthetic mask like in the film, it turns out that Evolutionary was almost shown with a mechanical mask.


This concept image featuring the initial High Evolutionary design in GOTG 3 has just been shared by Marvel Studios Director of Visual Development Andy Park via his personal Twitter account. “CONCEPT ART Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3! The great thing about concept drawing is that we can explore many possibilities. This was one of my first designs for the High Evolutionary years ago when we were still in pre-production. It was really fun to be able to do this exploration,” wrote Andy Park.

This initial design looks very similar to the comic version, where the High Evolutionary is seen to have a more muscular build with a number of cybernetic body parts that almost make him look like a cyborg. The mechanical mask worn in this concept image makes the Evolutionary character concept look like it has thrown all of its humanity away. Unlike the final version which wore a prosthetic mask to look like a 'human'.

Besides having a very different design, the color of the costume used by High Evolutionary also looks more like magenta, not purple like in the movie. On the other hand, even though this design may look cooler, the final version can be said to have been able to more clearly depict the expression of Chukwudi Iwuji's character. Where does this make the character feel more impactful when we see it in GOTG 3. What do you think? Which design do you prefer, geeks?




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